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Love food, loathe waste
Do you know the impact food waste has on our planet?
Due to the significant resources required for food growth, processing, packaging, storage, and transportation, among other things, it significantly increases our environmental footprint.
You take my breath away
I’m no quitter!
Normally I’d see quitting as a personal failure but when it comes to smoking, I can stand tall and proclaim I am indeed a quitter. Everyone has their reason to quit – whether that’s financial, health related or something else - and reminding yourself of that reason is the main driver to helping you succeed.
Three books to read this spring
Despite book shops being closed in the UK, Publishers Association recorded a 16% rise in the sale of fiction books during the pandemic. While we were locked inside, seemingly more and more of us were turning to our trusty hardbacks as a form of escapism.
Feeling boxed in?
Have you noticed that having clutter around your house or even in your car can make you feel edgy, overwhelmed and burdened? That it can also make your mind feel busy and confused? that decluttering your space can reduce stress and anxiety and in turn declutter your mind to make room for clarity and calm.
Today I get to workout
There’s no better time than New Year when it comes to making changes and self-improvement, right?
After the excesses of Christmas, many of us look to exercise to kick start a new health-conscious regime. And while the gym can be a great form of self-care, for some the idea of actually going can be quite daunting.
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