
Mocktail recipes to try this Dry January

Give your alcohol-free month a boost with these mocktail recipes

If you’re participating in Dry January 2024, but you’re stuck for ideas when it comes to choosing a Friday night tipple, why not try one of our five favourite alcohol-free recipes?

  • Mango Tango Sparkler: combines the tropical goodness of ripe mango with a hint of zesty lime, topped off with sparkling water. It’s a refreshing and fruity drink that brings a burst of sunshine to any occasion.


  • Cucumber Mint Cooler: a cooling blend of fresh cucumber and mint. The crispness of cucumber pairs beautifully with the invigorating aroma of mint, creating a revitalising drink.


  • Berry Bliss Mock Mojito: indulge in a medley of mixed berries, lime, and a splash of soda. It’s a non-alcoholic take on the classic mojito, delivering a burst of fruity goodness with every sip.


  • Citrus Sunrise Refresher: this mocktail mimics the colours of a beautiful sunrise by blending orange juice, pineapple, and a touch of grenadine. It’s a sweet and tangy concoction that looks delightful.


  • Fizzy Peach Bellini: taste a blend of sweet peaches and the spiciness of fresh ginger in this invigorating mocktail. Topped with soda water, it’s a fizzy and provides a delightful balance of sweetness and heat.

If you’re on this journey, share your experiences with us! What’s your go-to alcohol-free drink? Drop your thoughts in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you! 🌿✨

Can apps keep you on track?

Where to start? 

Setting yourself any type of goal can be daunting. I struggle with knowing where to start and keeping track of progress but I’ve recently discovered some apps and websites to help me keep on top of my physical and mental wellbeing. Here’s a few of my favourites.

Stop snoozing
The perfect place to start is getting a good night’s sleep. I’m guilty of scrolling on my phone for hours in bed which leaves my mind buzzing and unable to switch off. I find it hard to drag myself out of bed in the morning with next to no energy to do anything productive for myself outside of work, whether that’s exercise, cooking or socialising.

Headspace is an app which is great for people like me who can’t switch off. It provides hints and tips for better sleep, including how to create the perfect sleep environment and ideas to wind down and get the most out of your night’s sleep. One recommendation is to keep your phone out of reach while you sleep – I’ve tried this because it forces me out of bed in the morning to switch off that dreaded alarm!

Once I’ve cracked down on my perfect sleeping routine, I wake up earlier with a replenished tank of energy ready for the day. I can set my alarm earlier and not feel the need to snooze ten times before rolling out of bed.

Enjoying exercise
If you’re not a gym person, there are so many other ways of incorporating exercise into your daily routine. Apps like FitOn have a wide range of workouts that don’t need equipment or endless hours in the gym. These are great for when I feel like doing some exercise but don’t have much time, or when leaving the house feels overwhelming.

As someone who hadn’t focused on running to get fit in the past, discovering the Couch to 5k app made running 5k feel within reach. It’s a fun form of exercise and a great way to challenge yourself which only takes up 30 minutes of your day.

Cooking up a storm
When I’m feeling energised from exercise one of the knock-on effects is wanting to improve my diet. There are several apps which can track what you’re putting in your body and provide easy, healthy meals. I use MyFitnessPal for recipe inspiration and to track my meals. The app also has a huge community where you can share progress and gather motivation from other users.

Using apps can really help with reaching goals, as well as providing personalised exercise routines, community support and an easy way to track your progress.

There’s so much out there to choose from and the apps I’ve mentioned might be a good starting point to try out something new – but do your research and find out what works for you when it comes to your own physical and mental wellbeing.