Entries by DrumRoll

Finding a new ‘normal’

What a very surreal few days/weeks it’s been! Adapting to a new normal, with restricted movements and trying to ensure that we and our loved ones, and wider community, stay safe and well. We’re all learning quickly, finding what works for us, and how to stay sane and look after our wellbeing during this worrying […]

It’s me time

Life is busy. Whether it’s juggling a job and family or just trying to fit in some sort of social life around everything else you have on – things can get hectic. And at this time of year when many of us have set ourselves resolutions along with a whole host of other goals and […]

Push it! 6 ways to get your fitness fix in winter

Brrrrr…. It’s cold out there! Winter is firmly here and the sunshine and warm weather feels like a distant memory. My motivation to keep running, just like the birds, goes south in winter and I find getting out of bed in the morning challenging enough, let alone doing any exercise! If you’re like me, and […]

Tis the season to be sustainable

Christmas is a time for giving, but it shouldn’t cost the earth. So here are our top five tips on having a sustainable Christmas and saving the planet while you spread some Christmas cheer. The giftsLists aren’t just for Santa. Choose who you’re buying gifts for and make a list (and check it twice). That […]

More than just moustaches

“Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent,” reads the homepage of Movember’s website. Movember is trying to change the face of men’s health, and has grown from self-professed ‘humble beginnings’ to become one of the […]

Boost up on plant power!

Statistics from the Vegan Society suggest that vegans and vegetarians are set to make up a quarter of the British population by 2025 and just under half of all UK consumers will be flexitarians. A flexitarian diet means that although you don’t eliminate any foods, you generally eat less meat and other animal products. But […]

Using nature to nurture wellbeing

Having recently moved to a big city, I’ve been really aware of the lack of green space compared to where I used to live. It’s the same in many cities across the UK, as horizons are dominated by skyscrapers and offices, while parks and wildlife are scarce in comparison. I’ve always been quite active and […]

The perfect work-life balance – is it all fantasy football?

As the football season starts again, many of us up and down the country are dreaming of glory by going through the painstaking process of selecting the perfect fantasy football team. Just like selecting that perfect team, maintaining a good work-life balance takes consideration and regular review. Home or away?Firstly, you pick your Captain. In […]

Less plastic: more life

Every single piece of plastic ever thrown away is still on this Earth. It’s a shocking fact, but plastic is simply unable to decompose fully. That one plastic bottle of water you bought earlier will take up to 450 years to only mostly decompose – it’ll never fully decompose! And it will most likely turn […]

Life without plastic?

My desire to go plastic-free in July was inspired by reading into the wider issue of single-use plastics. They’re having a devastating impact on our environment and wildlife, particularly marine life – it shocked me to discover that it’s now estimated 90% of all seabirds have some form of plastic in their stomachs. I’ve shared […]

Doing something drastic, cutting the plastic

According to Surfers against Sewage (SAS), plastic pollution can now be found on every beach in the world, from busy tourist beaches to uninhabited, tropical islands. Whilst this is a worrying statistic, making even the smallest change to your single-use plastic consumption can reduce your plastic footprint significantly. I’m now two weeks into my plastic-free […]